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UQU Message to Students









Rank: 48Rank: 48Rank: 48



Mr.Yuan 发表于 2011-1-16 07:50:16
1069 0


Dear Students,

The last few days have seen devastation not seen before in South East Queensland.
The University of Queensland Union (UQU) Exectutive and Management wishes to express its most heartfelt sympathy to students who have been affected by the recent flood crisis in Queensland.

UQU have spoken with many students from the St Lucia, Gatton and Ipswich campuses over the past few days and heard a number of individual circumstances endured by students who have suffered severe loss.

We understand these hardships are compounded by the fact that many students are already in fragile financial situations and are unable to afford insurance, leaving these students further exposed than most people to natural disasters such as the flooding in recent days. Working part time or not at all will make the recovery all the more difficult in the coming weeks and months. UQU will support and stand by these students and encourage anybody in need to contact us.

The UQU Executive have been in touch with the University Administration and inspected the St Lucia campus and surrounding areas over the past two days.  UQU President, Ben Gorrie will contribute to an emergency meeting with the University Administration on Monday morning to discuss recovery strategies and facilitate a coordinated approach to recovery efforts, particularly from the student perspective.

In the immediate term UQU will facilitate the following services.

UQU Fix-it Squad

We are currently in the process of coordinating a localised fix-it squad to assist the clean-up in student residential areas surrounding the St Lucia Campus.  UQU wants to hear from students who either need assistance or any person willing to lend a hand.

Details of this project can be found on the UQU Facebook page athttp://www.facebook.com/UQUnion

Student Help on Campus (SHOC)

Along with the major UQ campuses, the Union Building currently remains inaccessible however will reopen on Thursday, 20 January 2011.

We wish to advise that all regular Union services will resume as of next Thursday, including the Student Help on Campus (SHOC) Centre.  Our dedicated SHOC staff will be on hand to provide counselling and other assistance to students affected by the floods, including Centrelink assistance and the provision of emergency loans.

Students can make bookings for these services prior to Thursday by contacting the UQ Union's Human Resources Manager, Jane Olson via email at
[email protected]
or, by phone on 0411625644.

Students from the Gatton or Ipswich campuses can make bookings for on-campus welfare issues via email at
[email protected].

UQU wishes all students and their families all the best in these trying times.


Ben Gorrie

UQU President

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