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Ann123的个人空间 https://ruijieyu.cn/?46626 [收藏] [复制] [RSS]


2012-9-11 23:53
2012-6-2 15:00
2011-8-7 22:14
feel like crap...how bad would that be
2011-6-12 21:10
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeG6i24IY8w 歡迎youtube
2011-5-26 23:12
有時候樂觀的態度 能改變你的人生 所以 保持微笑吧~
2011-5-24 20:04
my boss fired the girl who had fight with me at work the other day~well done,boss
2011-5-19 09:04
passed out last night~OMG~forgot to remove make-up
  • freakishfish: haha, that means you don't have to put on make up today?? :) (5-18 11:44)
  • Ann123: why are you so smart lol (5-19 09:02)
  • freakishfish: People always get smarter because they wanted to be lazier. :) (5-19 23:04)
2011-5-18 08:20
難得放假一天在家 下雨天 最適合偷個懶 睡個舒服覺lol
2011-5-9 22:35
有時候 失去 你可以得到更多
2011-5-6 23:58
very very very busy...give me a break
2011-5-1 23:24
maybe i should just...wait
2011-4-29 23:21
lol text passed~cheers
2011-4-28 18:34
road rules text today.wish me good luck
2011-4-28 12:18
2011-4-27 17:56
plenty of fish in the sea...where is my fish? come quick to me
2011-4-27 07:57
亞洲美食發展促進協會 徵求 網頁設計 平面設計人才 請聯絡:0406559888 Amily
2011-4-25 14:24

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