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    [Brisbane] Uber 优步 租车









    Rank: 2Rank: 2

    Coo 发表于 2023-2-8 20:54:15
    1931 0


    a) 汽车详情:从Ubercarshare租用我的自动挡汽车(24小时)。位于昆士兰州北布里斯班(距布里斯班机场9分钟路程)、Sunnybank或黄金海岸
    每小时 17.50 澳元起 或 每天25 澳元起 每公里39澳分(取决于汽车或灵活费率)。这包括所有燃料、损坏和损失保险、道路救援、租车维修和保养,或了解更多信息,请访问:

    Rent Mitchell’s 2005 Nissan X-TRAILTi by the hour or day in Hamilton, - | Uber Carshare
    Rent Mitchell’s 2010 Honda AccordVTi by the hour or day in Hamilton, - | Uber Carshare
    RentMitchell’s 2014 Toyota Prius by the hour or day in Hamilton, - | Uber Carshare
    RentMitchell’s 2003 Mitsubishi Outlander LS by the hour or day in Hamilton, - |Uber Carshare
    RentMitchell’s 2004 Toyota RAV4 Cruiser by the hour or day in Hamilton, - | UberCarshare
    RentMitchell’s 2008 Honda Odyssey by the hour or day in Hamilton, - | Uber Carshare
    RentMitchell’s 2010 Kia Carnival Grand by the hour or day in Hamilton, - | UberCarshare
    RentMitchell’s 2017 Hyundai Accent by the hour or day in Eagle Farm, - | UberCarshare
    RentMitchell’s 2005 Mitsubishi Outlander Active by the hour or day in Eagle Farm, -| Uber Carshare
    RentMitchell’s 2015 Honda Jazz by the hour or day in Eagle Farm, - | Uber Carshare
    RentMitchell’s 2009 Hyundai Tucson SX by the hour or day in Eagle Farm, - | UberCarshare
    Rent Mitchell’s 2015 Mazda CX-3 by the hour or day in EagleFarm, - | Uber Carshare

    RentMitchell’s 2008 Mitsubishi Colt ES by the hour or day in Sunnybank, - | UberCarshare
    RentMitchell’s 2009 Holden Cruze CDX by the hour or day in Sunnybank, QUEENSLAND |Uber Carshare
    RentMitchell’s 2006 Toyota Camry Grande by the hour or day in Sunnybank, - | UberCarshare
    RentMitchell’s 2005 Daihatsu Sirion by the hour or day in Molendinar, - | UberCarshare

    RentMitchell’s 2007 Toyota Camry Altise by the hour or day in Molendinar, - | UberCarshare
    RentMitchell’s 2011 Nissan X-trail ST by the hour or day in Molendinar, - | UberCarshare
    RentMitchell’s 2005 Toyota Hiace by the hour or day in Molendinar, - | UberCarshare
    RentMitchell’s 2007 Toyota Yaris by the hour or day in Molendinar, - | UberCarshare
    RentMitchell’s 2008 Toyota Yaris YR by the hour or day in Eagle Farm, - | UberCarshare
    RentMitchell’s 2014 Hyundai Accent by the hour or day in Hamilton, - | UberCarshare

    1.这是通过一个名为Uber Carshare的汽车共享系统。借我的车,真的很简单。
    2. Uber Carshare是免费的。注册大约需要 5 分钟,而且最多需要三个工作小时(每周7 天)就能批准您的帐户
    3.访问Uber Carshare或下载应用程序,并在Hamilton、Sunnybank、Mt Gravatt、黄金海岸下找到我的车
    4. 查看我的汽车日历。如果我的车有空,请通过网站或应用程序预订。不需要联系我。
    5. 一旦该预订了,登录应用程序以获取旅程的所有说明,包括如何获取钥匙。(24小时锁箱)我不能在UberCarshare外借车,因为您不在损坏保险所涵盖的范围之内。不好意思!

    如有任何疑问,请给我发电子邮件 Leesungdo1982@gmail.com(英语)

    OZYOYO提醒: 请避免提前支付订金、押金等任何费用,请与对方当面沟通,确认资质并看清条款。谨防上当受骗。

    免责声明: 本网站所提供的信息,只供参考之用。本网站不保证信息的准确性、有效性、及时性和完整性。本网站及其雇员一概毋须以任何方式就任何信息传递或传送的失误、不准确或错误,对用户或任何其他人士负任何直接或间接责任。在法律允许的范围内,本网站在此声明,不承担用户或任何人士就使用或未能使用本网站所提供的信息或任何链接所引致的任何直接、间接、附带、从属、特殊、惩罚性或惩戒性的损害赔偿。

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