Effective from 12 March 2010, this change regards onshore applicants for General Skilled Migration who are nominating a trade occupation in the following subclasses:
- Subclass 487 (Skilled - Regional Sponsored)
- Subclass 885 (Skilled - Independent)
- Subclass 886 (Skilled - Sponsored)
All applicants applying for the above visas and who nominate a trade occupation will be able to use an existing suitable skills assessment to lodge a valid visa application. That means that a skills assessment which pre-dates 1 January 2010 can be used.
Changes introduced on 1 January 2010 had required these applicants to provide a skills assessment dated on or after 1 January 2010. This is no longer the case.
DIAC has advised clients:
To confirm if your existing skills assessment is suitable for the purpose of applying for either a subclass 487, 885 or 886 visa, please contact the department on 1300 364 613.
This information is also available on the DIAC website in a document entitled: "Changes to the Skills Assessment Criterion for Certain Onshore General Skilled Migration Applicants Nominating a Trade Occupation - 12 March 2010"
This change has been made though the new Legislative Instrument IMMI 10/012(Migration Regulations 1994 - Specification under subparagraphs 1136(3)(bb)(ii) and 1229(3)(ab)(ii) of sch 1, subclauses 175.211(1), 176.211(1) and 475.211(1) of sch 2 - Skilled Occupations for Skills Assessments - March 2010).