本帖最后由 260898925 于 2014-4-18 17:58 编辑
老贴重发,Homestay 招租(copy了nikki的帖子,对不住啊)。
Parkwood house '现有两房招租,大后院,大游泳池 包吃包住包日用品,房东是澳洲老头老太,饭做的超级美味!每天换着不同菜式,永远都吃不腻!!
现有一个友善加拿大日本混血女孩和一美国韩国混血小伙 在grriffith uni学习,女孩儿很友善。澳洲夫妇俩人很热心肠,因为房子很大,平日里很安静,俩人便想找一些学生一起住。我在这里住了快一年了,对我们都特别好!
感兴趣的亲们可以跟我联系哦! 欢迎来看房哦~~~~ (房东老太再次招租,有兴趣的同学欢迎来看房哦~)
2mins到公车站, 6mins到griffith uni。适合不爱煮饭或不会煮饭,想融入到澳洲文化的亲们!
不要错过哦! 这里是真心nice!!
直接联系房东: 0402135370(老太lynne)
下面是房东自己打的广告:Two Large double rooms available now in Parkwood. This is a huge double story home withpool and plenty of living spaces to allow everyone to have a quiet time or tojoin others for conversation, meals and lots of laughs. Not a party house butit is nicely furnished, spacious, clean, relaxed and friendly. The rooms arefully furnished with bedlinen, desk, chair, built in wardrobes, and includeelectricity, internet, foxtel plus all meals. The bus stop is about 50 metresaway metres away and it is less than 2klm to new hospital and Griffith Uni. Ifyou have a car there is plenty of street parking. This is so much better thanhome stay. There are two very friendly and placid dogs to help you feel rightat home. So if you would like to join us please call to arrange a time toinspect. Price is negotiable for the right people. All nationalities welcome.
OZYOYO提醒: 请避免提前支付订金、押金等任何费用,请与对方当面沟通,确认资质并看清条款。谨防上当受骗。
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