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    [其他] How to Make an Automatic Car Faster









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    蓝哥哥 发表于 2013-11-21 12:37:49
    2627 11


    How to Make an Automatic Car Faster
    In general, an automatic car is considered to be slower off the line then a manual car. This is due to the fact that an automatic car uses a torque converter. this is a device which acts as a jets and pumps transmission fluid around a jet which in turn moves the rear wheels. when the car is stationary this energy from the engine is transferred into heat as it cannot move the rear wheels. (This is why you should never floor the accelerator and press the brake at the same time as the transmission fluid radiator and the torque converter could blow and they are not cheap to fix.) in a manual car as it comes off the line the clutch is engaged almost instantly and hence no energy is lost. however in an automatic car as it comes off the line not all of the energy from the engine is transferred to the wheels some is lost as heat as the pump and the jet in the torque converter are moving at different speeds. in modern cars this is usually only about 2% however on a drag strip this can make up for a considerable amount of time. usually after 40m/h there is no energy lost. The other problem with an automatic car is the time it takes to shift gears. in a manual car the average time to shift gears is about 0.5s. in an automatic car this can take up to twice as long. however in expensive automatic cars such as the Mercedes Benz SLR this can be achieved 0.14s however it is a good quarter of a million to buy so i wouldn't recommend it.

    step1 Install a decent exhaust manifold and a sports back box. If its made by the right people this can increase the cars hp and performance by a good 7%.

    2 Install a cool air intake. this is essential as colder air holds more oxygen ions which enable the engine to be able to burn more fuel.

    3 Install a ram air intake. this device forces air into the engine and prevents engine gasping which car occur at high rpm when a vacuum starts to form in the intake manifold.

    4Install a nitrous oxide injector into the intake manifold. this will not only cool the air down but increase the amount of oxygen atoms in the manifold to 36%.

    5 Get full slick wide tires for all wheels this will reduces friction and increase grip (except in a rainy day).

    6 fit a performance camshaft. This will perfect the time the valves are open for. It may cause your engine to sound funny but it will increase hp.

    7  A limited slip differential (LSD) is a device which can alter the amount of torque given to each drive wheel and when racing on a track can definitely increase performance.

    8 forced air induction systems such as a turbocharger and supercharger along with an intercooler (preferably air to water intercooler) can compress more cold air into the cylinders and hence allow more fuel to be burned.

    9 Upgrade your engine to a 502ci Chevrolet big block.

    10 Once you have the big block ask a specialist (these are hard to find) to strengthen the Block, Manifold, etc to be able to allow the engine to burn nitromethane or any other extra high performance fuel.

    11 throw anything out of the car you don't need. spare wheel, girlfriend (this one will actually save you money anyway) etc.

    12 Rip out the torque converter and install a clutch and a manual gearbox.
    13 If you hop up the engine; install a higher stall torque converter. If you have a peaky power curve i.e. turbo, centrifugal blower; you'll be much faster with an automatic than a manual on the drag strip. Not to mention automatics build boost with a turbo at the line, a manual does not.

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    proser 发表于 2013-12-4 22:54:38
    dausonlu 发表于 2013-12-3 01:33
    我寧可慢一點, 至少可以一邊開車一邊吃漢堡

    dausonlu 发表于 2013-12-3 01:33:13
    proser 发表于 2013-11-21 22:36

    我寧可慢一點, 至少可以一邊開車一邊吃漢堡
    joe_xia 发表于 2013-12-2 23:21:40
    fckya 发表于 2013-11-29 23:12:07
    proser 发表于 2013-11-23 23:38:23
    proser 发表于 2013-11-21 22:36:45
    proser 发表于 2013-11-21 22:36:08

    JasonWong 发表于 2013-11-21 15:27:56
    bigband 发表于 2013-11-21 14:04:58 来自手机
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