grady 发表于 2009-4-20 22:27:13
本帖最后由 grady 于 2009-4-21 01:45 编辑
There's no fun in playing when you just lose too many times…
Same boring day, same boring lectures, I went out to Toowong village shopping center instead of sitting in and getting nothing at all in noon. We got a new maths lecturer today and he probably from china because of his name, Yao×× and he’s got a funny accent. I call him Mr. r.w.t(respect with to) due to he ended up every sentence in "respect with to". He is fine as long as I could read what he wrote.
I was wanting to buy lunch but there were not many choices then I randomly walked around. In the second level of the shopping center, saw a machine with couples of toys inside, could be played by inserting coins, don’t know what was it called. It was a thing anyways. I put into a $2 coin, first time succeeded but second time failed. Guess what, a NIMO was caught by me, it definitely worth $2. Looking at the nimo, I didn’t feel good. Why didn’t it happen to me on that day she asked me to do the same thing in city?! Maybe this would cheer her up a lot.
Only bought myself two mandarins which were in $6 something per kilo, that was freaking dear but they tasted alright after my friends finished lunch. Back to uni, walked through the lake to Hawken. There were many living things on the grass also in the lake. I like walking around there at around 4pm, the lake, the things and couples on the grass in the sun. The view is harmonious but you feel crap when you are not in couples.
I stayed there for a while and I fed my mandarins to those things and hoped one day they would feed me back when I hungry.
I tried to concentrate on studying in Hawken library but I couldn’t. Don’t know why. My mind was blank and so many things of mine screwed. No longer me any more. Till 7, I moved to biological library. There were still heaps of people inside. Then 9pm, I wanted to go home with no result of hours of studying. Down to the bus stop, I could hear people shouted the song “I’m yours” from red room. It sounded crap but it was good to be like them with no worries tonight or all the time.
I was one of few people waiting for bus at the bus stop, felt lonely and crap.
On bus, I sat behind two males, Taiwan B, I guessed.
Fuck it! Males? Everyday cartoons? Fucking gays! Then I moved to the rear alone.
Got home, nearly 10pm, another day off, fuck…
Sitting in the backyard, it was cold in autumn night. I looked up through the clear sky, I could see the three linear stars which you showed me when we used to walk together at night then I couldn't stop thinking of you...
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4 things。。。
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two groups of things。。。
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what the hell is this? its UQ lake in the night...
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the NIMO
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NIMO and YOU...
OZYOYO提醒: 请避免提前支付订金、押金等任何费用,请与对方当面沟通,确认资质并看清条款。谨防上当受骗。
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