7303AFE__ECONOMICS---Gans, J., King, S., Stonecash, R. and Mankiw, N. (2009), Principles of Economics, Fourth edition,
Thomson, Melbourne. -----8。8成新 ---50刀
7150AFE--business information systems---Kroenke David, Bunker Deborah, Wilson, David. (2010), Experiencing MIS, Pearson Australia Group PtyLtd, Frenchs Forest, NSW. ISBN 978-1-4425-0325-0-------7成新---35刀
7105AFE - Principles of Business Law-----Students must purchase the following prescribed textbook:
Gibson, A., & Fraser, D., Business Law (5th edition, Pearson Education: Sydney, 2010)---8.8成新--55--考试必备