Finally, the time is coming. Im going to graduate form UQ. 'A little bit exciting, isn't it?', one of my friends asked me.
Yes, I can still remember those days when we tried to figure out our assignments, those nights when the next day is the due day of heaps of assignments and we still didn't know where should we start out.
For the first group meeting, I had totally no ideal about it and didn't know what should I do or what should we discuss about during the meeting. For the first time that I went into the UQ center's examination hall (27A), I was totally astonished and how could this be true that nearly thousand of students were fixed into the same examination room for several different final exams.
We suffered a lot, enjoyed a lot and learned a lot. However, in the end, both of those have passed over. A new day will come and sun will shine out the clearer.
'Probably it's the time to find a formal job?', I said to them.
$em31$ 谢谢了啊,大家。
哈哈,我最喜欢在 nick 的课上睡觉了,跟他拍照片的时候还睡着了!
[ 本帖最后由 coolboyzth 于 2008-12-12 16:35 编辑 ] |
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