FOFIA AUSTRALIA 招聘启事 Brisbane科技产品公司,具备ISO9001质量体系认证,澳洲农业部NLIS授权的经销商招聘如下职位: 一,产品生产经理(Operation Manger) Role and Responsibility: 下单系统订单的处理 生产管理,包括激光打印电子标签 包装和发货e-parcel处理 数据同步上传 无需特别工作经验,但必须勤奋细心和高度责任心。 1. Audit Customer Order On-line 2. Farmer PIC ID Integrating check 3. Check All Farmer information filledcorrectly (shipment details, contact person and phone number 4. Validation check of the overallorder 5. Products information filledcompletely and correctly 6. Check delivery date is possible andrealistic. 7. Approve the order, and givefeedback to Order (distributor and agent) 8. Generating sales order and processprinting 9. Customer Support and Service - Dealwith Customer complaints and provide resolutions Qualifications Education: Have a territory educationor above. Strong public relations ability and organization and coordination ability. Enquire &CV send to: admin@;