靠近Plineland 整间house 整租,1 年多的新房子 一个master room, 一个double room, 一个single room, 每个房间和客厅都配空调、 一楼还有一个study room , 二楼还有一个客厅以及二楼实木地板。 三个厕所。 网络是NBN 500G( 直接可以用,不用等。)房子配备安保系统。 一个室内车库,一个outside 车位。 交通很便利。 现在配备冰箱,洗衣机,还有三个床垫。 一周$480 ,四周的bonds. 房子随时available, 有兴趣的朋友请发短信到0430488028 预约inspection 时间。 谢谢。 This house is close to Pineland shopping center now house is new settle only for 15months 1 master room, 1 double room, 1 single room, all with air conditioners. there is 1 study room. another living room in the second floor and timber floor for the second floor. NBN internet 500G(can be used directly) two car parks(1 under covered) ther is one refrigerator, one washing machine and three mattess. if you are interesed in it, please send me the massage to 0430488028. inspection any time.