本帖最后由 kahin 于 2014-2-16 20:59 编辑
现有交通极方便的一间全新公寓房间出租 交通便利 5分钟步行至车站 在那里可以乘坐169,111,77,555等,2分钟到garden city,5分钟到griffith,18分钟直达到uq,20分钟到city,无论上班上学都很方便
50寸3d led lcd 可以接受中文电视翡翠台 体育台 pptv等各种综艺娱乐节目。
NBN 光纤网络 180刀/周(长租) 房东为一对友善年轻的夫妇,欢迎不吸烟,爱干净,安静的女生入住
有意者请联系0413503381. 至少住半年。
One double room of a brand new apartment in eight mile plains for rent
1.Great location. 5 min walk to eight mile plains bus station, from there: youcan take various buses to Garden city 2 min, uq 18 min, city 20min. Veryconvenient for students and ppl who are working.
2.Everything is quite new,24 hour's security
3.50' 3d led LCD tv which can play various entertainment programs
4. gym room, BBQ etc on the rooftop. Big balcony at the back of the room. Aircon in the lounge. The apartment has good ventilation and you will always feelcool inside.
5. The landlord is a young friendly couple. It is quiet and spacious.
6.The room has 35m2's back balcony. 7.NBN Optical Superfast Internet. $180/week (For long term)
Only non smoking, clean, quiet girls are accepted.
At lease half a year's lease.
If u r interested, pls contact 0413503381.