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    [其他] New antihooning laws sees 40 cars a day taken off Queensland roads









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    蓝哥哥 发表于 2013-12-21 22:59:13
    1212 1


    本帖最后由 蓝哥哥 于 2013-12-21 23:00 编辑

    POLICE are taking up to 40 cars a day off the road under the State's tough new anti-hooning laws.


    New figures show police have handed out more than 1300 charges a week since the legislation came into force on November 1 and have impounded or confiscated the plates of at least 1763 cars.

    Under the new laws anyone caught people burnouts, donuts, drifting or other hooning behaviour can have their vehicles taken off the road for three months while a slew of other offences can see drivers lose their car for at least a week.

    Any follow-up within five years will result in the hoon's car being forfeited and sold or crushed.

    Police have so far taken at least 634 vehicles off the road for the full three months while a further 189 are set to be either sold or crushed.

    A further 940 drivers had their cars seized or their numberplates confiscated for a week after being charged with hooning offences.

    Under the new laws anyone caught people burnouts, donuts, drifting or other hooning behaviour can have their vehicles taken off the road for three months.

    Logan and the Gold Coast had the highest number of impoundments and numberplate confiscations with more than 354 cars taken off the road in just 45 days including 188 in Logan.

    More than 280 cars were confiscated across Brisbane and more than 343 were impounded across the central police district which takes in Mackay, the Sunshine Coast and the Capricornia and Wide Bay regions.

    It comes after police handed out more than 7800 charges under the new laws for everything from dangerous operation of a motor vehicle to street racing, evading police and speeding at more than 40km/h over the legal speed limit.

    Acting Police Minister Andrew Powell said the new laws were sending a message to hooning drivers.

    "The people of Queensland said they have had enough of people treating our roads like race tracks and shattering the peace in our suburbs," Mr Powell said.

    Michael Keating, Assist Cpmmissioner of Road, with some of the cars impounded. Pic Annette Dew

    "This Government has listened ... and introduced tough new laws targeting dangerous drivers to ensure the safety of all Queenslanders.

    "If you are willing to put your lives and the lives of other Queenslanders at risk by your reckless driving, you will be stopped."

    Between November 1 and December 15 almost 3100 charges were handed out to those caught driving while unlicensed.

    Almost one car a day was found to be illegally modified and more than 210 drivers were caught speeding at 40km/h or more over the legal speed limit.

    About four drivers were caught street racing and 130 were charged after being caught doing burnouts.

    About 334 charges were handed out for evading police, 42 for dangerous operation of a vehicle and 43 for driving without due care and attention.

    Acting Assistant Commissioner Michael Keating, from the Road Policing Command, said the legislation was aimed to catching out reckless drivers who wilfully break the law and endanger the lives of others on the road.

    "We saw matter earlier this week where a gentleman ... was driving at 179km/h in a 100km/h zone and he was driving with a blood alcohol concentration in the mid-range (. 74% BAC)." he said.

    "That's wilful behaviour. It's just irresponsible, it's reckless and it's dangerous and this legislation is aimed at addressing that sort of behaviour."


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    catfelix 发表于 2014-4-2 13:37:06
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