本帖最后由 suzi_0926 于 2013-2-13 21:49 编辑
卖书啦~~ Griffith Textbooks for Accounting & Finance courses
1. (3209AFE International Finance) - $75 全新 没有任何highliting or marking!
Madura, J. (2012). International Financial Management, 11th Edition.
2. (3210AFE Advance Corporate Finance) - $70 全新 没有任何highliting or marking!
BrighamE.F. & Daves P.R (2010) Intermediate Financial Management,10th Edition.
3. (2204AFE Financial Institutions Mnagement) - $40 全新~~
Lange et al. (2007) Financial Institutions Management, 2nd Edition.
4. (2206AFE) Investment Analysis and Management & (3208AFE) Portfolio Management - $80 全新~!这本书适合两门课(2206afe & 3208afe), 非常实用 可以用两个学期。。
Frank K Reilly & Keith C Brown (2012) Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management 10th Edition.
5. (3101AFE Accounting Theory) - $30 (里面有几页掉了 不过有复印件) CraigDeegan, Contempory Accounting Theory and Practice, Revised Second Edition, (McGraw-Hill: customised)
有兴趣请联系我 ^__^ 电话: 0435111040 QQ: 491506114