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[other] a help to get jobs? concern shared by AD









Rank: 2Rank: 2

paopao 发表于 2012-12-10 15:07:51
637 1


I came here in Australia in April 2011 as a permanent resident.
I had work experiences in banking (customer services & Treasury) about 6 years
in overseas. I have bachelor degree in computer science and master’s degree in
business administration (major in finance & accounting) which is equivalent
to Australian bachelor of accounting. My both degree is equivalent to Australian
bachelor degree. And I have completed Advance diploma in banking service
management and continuing Advance diploma of accounting which will be complete
by next semester 2013 July from TAFE.  
I have applied many jobs in accounting and banking field but do not get response.
I am frustrated over this. Can you please help me to find job? For which kind
of job I will apply? Can you please suggest?
I am thinking of doing CPA after finishing my accounting diploma. Do not know
whether it will be fruitful for finding job or nothing. I am really in very bad
condition. Please help me.

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 楼主| paopao 发表于 2012-12-10 15:08:08

The job hunting process can be a major challenge, especially in landing your first ever professional role.

Employers dont want to hire people without experience. There are graduate programs, but that is for the top 1-2% of graduates. Its all a Catch-22 initially.

From your description, the worst part of the process is that you dont get calls. You need to keep your spirits up, even as time goes by and you havent acheived some of your major life goals.

AD, I believe the number 1 reason you are not getting any calls is your resume. I see many resumes across my desk for graduates. To be honest, the majority are quite poor quality and there is little that would make someone take action and call them. You can pay for formatting by a professional. Thats fine, but be careful of costs.

The positioning of the resume is also very important. A lot of them are too long. Less is more. Put your most important aspects up front. etc. Also, not sure what your first name is, but anglicised names will tend to do better with employers.

Ideally there is some link with professional experience. At Florian Accounting, we offer training and internship programs for accounting. We have helped many people and the best early indicator for them is that they start receiving phone calls.

And trust me, phone calls are very important. Why? 1st, your spirits improve as you begin to realise your demand. 2nd and most important, once you get to interview stages, you will be regularly practicing and getting better at interviews until you finally land your first professional role.

In terms of jobs, the main ones for you would be graduate or entry level bookkeeper, AP or AR officer, or assistant accountant. If you are still stuck, get an adminstrator or other office job as a starting point, then transition to professional accounting.

As for your question on starting CPA studies. My position on this is to begin it.

Best of luck


Florian Accounting
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