本帖最后由 suenanummy 于 2014-1-15 16:38 编辑
Hi, There! Are you looking for the second-hand laptop on this website?? Please don't do that! You will find brand new ASUS Laptop onNAUMMY AND IT IS NOW ON SPECIAL PRICES FROM $494.95! JUST ONE CLIKC TO BOTTOM LINK WILL LEAD YOU TO GET BRAND NEWASUS LAPTOP!
Product Name: Adding Vibrancy to Everyday Computing: 14.1" X451CA
Information about the laptop:
The perfect all-round package Equipped with all of the essentials and configured for dailywork and play, the ASUS X Series is the perfect all-round package. Not only isit both stylish and durable, it’s the go-to notebook for anyone after acomplete multitask computing and multimedia experience.
A complete cinematic experience The ASUS X series offers more than your ordinary line ofnotebooks. SonicMaster technology combines with ASUS AudioWizard to ensure highfidelity audio. You can experience omnidirectional sound and hear eachindividual instrument’s nuances, thanks to the X Series’ enchanced soundsystem.
Precise input The notebook is equipped with a large touchpad, as well asSmart Gesture technology, enabling quick and precise responses across a varietyof touch inputs. The ergonomic seamless one-piece keyboard provides an especiallycomfortable typing experience.
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