恭喜Sarah 找到会计工作! 大家好,Sarah来自海外,拥有五年海外会计经验,然而她在澳洲投了很多简历都没有获得工作机会。通过在PlatinumAccounting的一个半月培训,Sarah终于成功开始了她的会计职业生涯。 Dear Everyone,
Hope you are well doing well.
We have another piece of good news from Platinum Professional Training’s intern! Sarah has secured an Accountant role in a non-profit organisation!
Sarah came from overseas with more than 5 years experience as an Accountant. Since arriving in Australia, she sent out hundreds of resumes for job applications. None were accepted, and she didnt even get one phone call.
As a new migrant, she could not afford to stay unemployed for long. Sarah gave her accounting career one last chance before seeking jobs in the non-professional sector.
After only one month and a half of joining Platinum's Assistant Accountant program, she can proudly share her successful story and kick start her accounting career in Australia.
If you are in a similar situation and wish to start your accounting career, or if you have started doubting how good you are, please contact Platinum Professional Training today. We will be by your side and assist you in your job hunting journey.
Platinum Professional Training, a fast and simple way to a career success.
From: Sarah
Sent: Friday, 2 September 2016 12:48 PM
To: Teresa
Subject: Thank you
Dear Teresa,
I am extremely happy to inform you that I have secured a position as an Accountant in a Non profit organisation. I will officially join the company this week.
First and most I would like to thank you so much for the help and support , not just for the training but also for the mental support by you which helped me to boost my confidence.
All the training sessions & Internship were really helpful to gain knowledge about various accounting aspects according to Australian standard.
It really helped me to face Interviews with confidence.And your throughout guidance and tips for interview was really helpful in preparation.
Some of my interview questions are noted below:
· Tell me about yourself? · How do you spend your one day at Platinum ? · Where do you see yourself after years?
Thank you again!
If you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact us!
Platinum ProfessionalTraining